Day one: last thoughts before getting my sick lashes together:
1. N-o sa mai fac niciodata baie dimineata devreme.
2. Grey's anatomy. Grey's anatomy. Grey's anatomy. [I'm not obsessed] Grey's anatomy. Grey's anatomy... [ Who am I kidding? I simply love Grey's anatomy]
3. Maine beau Cola. No matter what!
4. Sa nu uit sa-mi schimb buletinu' .
5. Azi am avut unghiile urate.
6. Trebuie neaparat sa am macar un gand constructiv. In seara asta or any other time... Pentru blog, nu pentru mine :D
7. Cama si Vlad or sa moara first thing in the morning. Pentru ca de cand cu ei si "ce film luam?" laptopul meu e " sectionat." Adica? Adica ecranu' ala nenorocit e impartit in 2 parti negre si o parte enervant de mica pe care eu vad ceea ce scriu. Have I made myself clear?
P.S. I cannot tell how you feel if you're standing there as if you're the freaking Stonehenge. And I cannot tell how
I feel if you're standing there as if you're the freaking Stonehenge. Seriously now!
Nity night, A(n) academia tie-ers!