Skittles is the new fancy thing to chew!
Beautifully coloured, potentially criminal ( mind the freaking commercial, fellas) aaaaaaaand hyper-tasty. They come in different flavours, too!
Skittles are friendly and fuzzy. There is, however, a catch. Cutia verde e acra. The whole content. Bombonici crude si respingatoare.
But the red box.. Oh boy, oh boy! The red box! No complaints about that one!
Cutia rosie e extraordinara. Contine un adevarat mozaic de bombonici ( 5 culori- portocale, lamai, ceva verde, struguri si ceva rosu)
Now my favourite is bobonica de struguri. E delicioasa si atat.
Bombonica verde nu. Imi da mereu senzatia ca mananc mucegai.
On the other hand, bombonica rosie e pretty tasty too. And I am not going to elaborate on how tasty a candy can be.
Ma abtin la portocaliu si galben. They're way too common, but still a bit tasty. However their commoness makes it impossible for me to get to exhilirated about them. But I cannot express my not-so-grateful thoughts towards them, because they tend to get cranky when having their ego hurt. They do bite my tongue sometimes.
So, the winner is definitely bombonica de struguri.
Here's to you, special purple bombonica!
photo source
P.S. Salutari severinene, Cama, Adina, Andrei si Vlad! I hope you all die for being there!
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